school management system

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Web School- The ideal administrative software

Why there is growing need for administrative software’s to govern schools    


Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn’ – Benjamin Franklin

Schools are the places that mould the young minds that will be the future of the nation. It is the place that is single most responsible for nurturing and improving the talents of the children who go on rule the country. A kid who has his fundamental priorities right, is well set on the course that will lead him or her towards the ultimate success. In short, a school is not just a place for teaching students but it is also a temple of knowledge where children will learn their first lessons about life. Since Schools play such an important role, it is important that they are able to function in the best manner possible. A well run school is like a well oiled machine working smoothly and efficiently without facing any troubles. However, not all schools will have the same kind of resources at their disposal to run a properly run establishment. Some may need some help, and it is in situations like this that a school management system such as Web School plays a significant role.

What Web School offers

Web school is an administrative software developed, keeping in mind the running of schools in particular. This open source software which runs efficiently across various platforms can make a significant impact on the administrative running of a school.  With the help of this software, the whole school will be able to function without any hiccups. The most interesting fact is that the software is developed in such a way that even a person with minimum computer knowledge will be easily able to learn how to use it.


This school management software is very helpful to both teachers as well the parents. Parents will be able to monitor the performance of their kids, their attendance and even their fee payment with the help of this software. Teachers will find it easier to keep track of their schedule with this help of this software. The developers of this software Gescis Technologies has gone to great lengths to make sure that this software is affordable to all kinds of education institutions. Their highly trained and experienced personnel are always just a phone call away in case you need some sort of assistance to navigate this software. Contact us for more details.